admin 发表于 2022-11-2 20:54:01

儿童《英文绘本精读》共36册PDF下载 高清彩页可打印 百度...


01.Sam who never forgets(关于动物)
02.My friends(关于动作)
03.Handas surprise(关于水果)
04.Five littlle monkeys sitting in a tree(关于数字)
05.Little blue and little yellow(关于颜色)
06.Go away big green monster(关于表情)
07.How do you feel(关于情绪)
08.Mouse shapes(关于形状)
09.Too cool for school(关于衣物)
10.Time for school, mouse(关于文具)
11.I like me(关于形容词)
12.I'm the biggest thing in the ocean(关于海底世界)
13.Good thing you're not an octopus(关于动作)
14.Quick as a cricket(关于个性)
15.the very hungry caterpillar(关于食物)
16.Come out and play, little mouse(关于星期)
18.I am a bunny(关于季节)
20.Planting a rainbow(关于植物)
22.Over in the meadow(关于大自然)
23.Noisy Nora(关于房屋设施)
24.The little red hen(关于农场动物)
25.To market, to marke(关于蔬菜)
26.Where is the green sheep(关于反义词)
27.Where are you going, little mouse(关于我的家庭)
28.Happy birthday, Sam(关于家居物品)
29.Rosie's walk(关于方位)
30.Bus stops(关于地点)
31.Pete's big luncha(关于食物)
32.Joseph had a little overcoat(关于衣物)
33.Willy the dreamer(关于职业)
34.dinosaurs on the loose(关于地点)
35.Go Dog.Go!(关于交通工具)
36.From head to toe(关于身体部位)

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