admin 发表于 2022-10-11 01:11:41

BBC动画作品CBeebies-Abadas 全52集 外挂英文字幕 百度云盘下载

【CBeebies-Abadas简介】有点像看电视的桥段,动画片的开头都是一个叫Ben的小男孩,翻开一本神奇的书,书里会出现一只小河马,一只小狐狸和一只小蝙蝠,每一集三个小动物都有新的冒险,书的结尾还是Ben合上这本神奇的书。除了开头和结尾有真人小朋友出现外,中间的部分都是动画,动画颜色鲜艳,全程童音。Pop up book adventures with the curious Abadas, Hari the hippo, Ela the fox and Seren the bat.Abadas is magical world of a pop-up book where we meet Hari the Hippopotamus, Seren the bat and Ela the fox live as they exploring new words. In a busy corner of Ben’s bedroom lies a well-thumbed, well cherished pop-up book.This is no ordinary pop-up book; this is where the Abadas live!They are Hari the hippo; Ela the fox and Seren the bat and they’re the most curious, adventurous and funniest pop-up animals that any book could possibly have.Once the book is opened the Abadas’ world comes alive and it’s playtime for the three adventurers.CBeebies-Abadas目录:01.Anchor02.Piano03.Icicle04.Cloud05.Lighthouse06.Flag07.Igloo08.Boomerang09.Magnifying Glass10.Roller Skates11.Wheelbarrow12.Computer13.Steam Train14.Owl15.Stool16.Umbrella17.Buoy18.Orange19.Sea Turtle20.Snowboard21.Gift22.Windmill24.Firework24.Skis25.Trumpet26.Map27.Rush28.Sun Cream29.Drawer30.Swing31.Greenhouse32.Scales33.Starfish34.Cocoon35.Rocking Horse36.Toothbrush37.Camera38.Puppet39.Weather Vane40.Microphone41.Stile42.Bridge43.Crown44.Cherry45.Robin46.Well47.Caravan48.Submarine49.Calculator50.Coconut51.Windsurfing Board52.Mobile Phone
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查看完整版本: BBC动画作品CBeebies-Abadas 全52集 外挂英文字幕 百度云盘下载