Let's Read And Find Out Science简介
今天给大家推荐史上最棒的科普丛书“Let’s Read And Find Out Science”,美国Harper Collins 所出版的Let's Read And Find Out Science系列,是由美国Hayden天文馆馆长Dr.F.M.Branley及知名幼教专家Dr.Roma Gans联合主编,结合国外数十位一流科学、文学、教育、插画家历时多年创作而成。本系列放弃一般自然科学艰涩写实的编写技法,改以文学性的句子来表达,文字优美适合朗读,将语言学习、生活礼仪、美感经验、地理知识及世界观融合于整套书中。依文字难易与科学概念的深浅度粗分为Stage 1和Stage 2。书末皆有与该书主题相关的动脑问题、动手操作的简单小实验及可作为延伸阅读的相关资讯,让知识的吸收不再只是纸上谈兵!该书系出版超过10年时间,10多年来,Let's Read And Find Out Science已经成为美国小朋友吸收科学知识的必读书系之一。
美国小学中学自然科学Let's Read and Find Out Science,全套分2级,stage1共41本,适合小学5-6年级阅读(若家长英语基础不错,可以在宝宝6岁左右用朗读讲解的方式提前给宝宝进行科学知识的启蒙教育哦,宝宝天生对图画比较感兴趣,宝爸宝妈在宝宝感兴趣的图画上面进行英文的讲解,会起到事半功倍的作用哦),stage2共78本,适合初中1-3年级阅读。全套为pdf格式(本套资源含有每本书的配套mp3音频),共计2.59GB。
Let's Read And Find Out Science L1 41本书目
The Human Body:
1-1 How Many Teeth?
1-2 I Can Tell by Touching
1-3 I'm Growing!
1-4 Look at Your Eyes
1-5 My Feet
1-6 My Five Senses
1-7 My Hands
1-8 On the Move
1-9 Sleep Is for Everyone
Plants and Animals:
1-10 Animals in Winter
1-11 Baby Whales Drink Milk
1-12 Big Tracks,Little Tracks
1-13 Bugs Are Insects
1-14 Dinosaurs Big and Small
1-15 Ducks Don't Get Wet
1-16 Fireflies in the Night
1-17 From Caterpillar to Butterfly
1-18 From Seed to Pumpkin
1-19 From Tadpole to Frog
1-20 How Animal Babies Stay Safe
1-21 How a Seed Grows
1-22 A Nest Full of Eggs
1-23 Our Puppies Are Growing
1-24 Starfish
1-25 A Tree Is a Plant
1-26 What Lives in a Shell?
1-27 What's Alive.pdf
1-28 What's It Like to Be a Fish?
1-29 Where Are the Night Animals?
1-30 Where Do Chicks Come From?
The World Around Us:
1-31 Air Is All Around You
1-32 The Big Dipper
1-33 Clouds
1-34 Is There Life in Outer Space
1-35 Pop!
1-36 Snow Is Falling
1-37 Sounds All Around
1-38 What Makes a Shadow?
1-39 A Cavity Is a Hole in Your Tooth
1-40 Everybody, Move Your Feet!
1-41 Why Can't I Have Cake for Dinner?
Let's Read And Find Out Science L2 78本书目
01 A Drop of Blood
02 Germs Make Me Sick!
03 Hear Your Heart
04 The Skeleton Inside you
05 What Happens to a Hamburger?
06 Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn
07 Your Skin and Mine
08 Almost Gone
09 Ant Cities
10 Be a Friend to Trees
11 Chirping Crickets
12 Corn Is Maize
13 Dolphin Talk
14 Honey in a Hive
15 How Do Apples Grow?
16 How Do Birds Find Their Way?
17 Life in a Coral Reef
18 Look Out for Turtles!
19 Milk from Cow to Carton
20 An Octopus Is Amazing
21 Penguin Chick
22 Snakes Are Huntes
23 Spinning Spiders
24 Sponges Are Skeletons
25 What Color is Camouflage?
26 Who Eats What?
27 Who Lives in an Alligator Hole?
28 Why Do Leaves Change Color?
29 Why Frogs Are Wet
30 Wiggling Worms at Work
31 Zipping,Zapping,Zooming Bats
32 Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers?
33 Digging Up Dinosaurs
34 Dinosaur Babies
35 Dinosaur Bones
36 Dinosaur Tracks
37 Dinosaurs Are Different
38 Fossils Tell of Long Ago
39 My Visit to the Dinosaurs
40 What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
41 Floating in Space
42 The International Space Station
43 Mission to Mars
44 The Moon Seems to Change
45 The Planets in Our Solar System
46 The Sky Is Full of Stars
47 The Sun: Our Nearest Star
48 What Makes Day and Night
49 What the Moon Is Like
50 Down Comes the Rain
51 Feel the Wind
52 Flash,Crash,Rumble,and Roll
53 Sunshine Makes the Seasons
54 Tornado Alert
55 What Will the Weather Be?
56 Archaeologists Dig for Clues
57 Earthquakes
58 Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean
59 How Mountains Are Made
60 Let's Go Rock Collecting
61 Oil Spill!
62 Volcanoes
63 What's So Bad About Gasoline?
64 Why Are the Ice Caps Melting?
65 You're Aboard Spaceship Earth
66 Day Light, Night Light
67 Energy Makes Things Happen
68 Forces Make Things Move
69 Gravity Is a Mystery
70 How People Learned to Fly
71 Switch On,Switch Off
72 What Is the World Made Of?
73 What Makes a Magnet?
74 Where Does the Garbage Go
75 Where Did Dinosaurs Come From?
76 Where Do Polar Bears Live?
77Terrible Tyrannosaurs
78 What Happens to Our Trashl
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