《The Chronicles of Narnia》纳尼亚传奇英文有声书mp3下载 全1-7册带PDF文本

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The Chronicles of Narnia纳尼亚传奇简介:

  《The Chronicles of Narnia纳尼亚传奇》是刘易斯于1951年至1956年间创作的七本系列魔幻故事,分别为《魔法师的外甥》《狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》《能言马与男孩》《凯斯宾王子》《黎明踏浪号》《银椅》《最后一战》。


  故事中的"纳尼亚王国”是一个神秘奇幻的世界,在这些故事中,小主人公们或凭借一枚魔法戒指,或通过一扇衣柜大门等各种奇妙方法进入奇幻世界纳尼亚王国。他们通过英勇的冒险,与暴君女巫斗智斗勇来拯救纳尼亚的人们。 书里有会说人话的动物:巨人、半人马、巨龙、树精、地精和人鱼等等,有善良的羊怪和小矮人,还有伟大的狮王阿斯兰。在它们的帮助下,小主人公们通过英勇的冒险和战斗,一次次战胜邪恶,保卫了这个神奇而充满欢乐的国度。


1,《The Magician's Nephew 》魔法师的外甥



01 Chapter 00 - Title
02 Chapter 01 - Lucy Looks Into a Wardrobe
03 Chapter 02 - What Lucy found there
04 Chapter 03 - Edmund and the wardrobe
05 Chapter 04 - Turkish Delight
06 Chapter 05 - Back on this side of the door
07 Chapter 06 - Into The Forest
08 Chapter 07 - A Day With The Beavers
09 Chapter 08 - What Happened After Dinner
10 Chapter 09 - In The Witch's House
11 Chapter 10 - The Spell Begins To Break
12 Chapter 11 - Aslan Is Nearer
13 Chapter 12 - Peter's First Battle
14 Chapter 13 - Deep Magic From The Dawn Of Time
15 Chapter 14 - The Triumph Of The Witch
16 Chapter 15 - Deeper Magic From Before The Dawn Of Time
17 Chapter 16 - What Happened About The Statues
18 Chapter 17 - The Hunting Of The White Stag
2,《The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe》狮子、女巫与魔衣橱

          佩文西家四个兄弟姐妹彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露茜在一位老教授家做客,无意中发现衣橱后隐藏着一个神奇的魔法王国。这里的居民有羊怪、海狸、矮人、树精……但在阿斯兰离开纳尼亚期间,这个国家被一个邪恶的白女巫占领。她压迫纳尼亚的居民,将其置于永恒的冬季之中。羊怪曾冒着生命危险救过露茜,海狸一家也帮助他们兄妹逃脱白女巫的追杀。爱德蒙曾受白女巫土耳其软糖的诱惑,一度背叛过自己的兄妹。 后来,阿斯兰伴随着圣诞老人来到纳尼亚,带领大家战胜了女巫。四个孩子成为纳尼亚的国王与女王。多年后,他们在打猎时无意中穿过衣橱,重新以孩子的身份回到自己的世界。


01 Chapter 1a - The Island
02 Chapter 1b - The Island
03 Chapter 2a - The Ancient Treasure House
04 Chapter 2b - The Ancient Treasure House
05 Chapter 3a - The Dwarf
06 Chapter 4a - The Dwarf Tells of Prince Caspian
07 Chapter 4b - The Dwarf Tells of Prince Caspian
08 Chapter 5a - Caspian's Adventure In The Mountains
09 Chapter 05b - During the long climb down...
10 Chapter 06a - The People that Lived in Hiding
11 Chapter 06b - Their next visit was a pleasanter one
12 Chapter 07a - Old Narnia in Danger
13 Chapter 07b - It was certainly an awesome place...
14 Chapter 08a - How They Left the Island
15 Chapter 08b - All five of them came out into the courtyard
16 Chapter 09a - What Lucy Saw
17 Chapter 09b - What Lucy Saw
18 Chapter 10a - The Return of the Lion
19 Chapter 10b - The Return of the Lion
20 Chapter 11a - The Lion Roars
21 Chapter 11b - The Lion Roars
22 Chapter 12a - Sorcery and Sudden Vengence
23 Chapter 12b - Sorcery and Sudden Vengence
24 Chapter 13a - The High King in Command
25 Chapter 13b - When they reached Miraz's tent...
26 Chapter 14a - How All Were Very Busy
27 Chapter 14b - They reached the river,...
28 Chapter 15a - Aslan Makes a Door in the Air
29 Chapter 15b - _Men of Telmar,_ said Aslan
3,《The Horse And His Boy 》能言马与男孩

01 Chapter 01 - The Picture in the Bedroom
02 Chapter 02 - On Board the Dawn Treader
03 Chapter 03 - The Lone Islands
04 Chapter 04 - What Caspian Did There
05 Chapter 05 - The Storm and What Came of It
06 Chapter 06 - The Adventures of Eustace
07 Chapter 07 - How the Adventure Ended
08 Chapter 08 - Two Narrow Escapes
09 Chapter 09 - The Island of the Voices
10 Chapter 10 - The Magician's Book
11 Chapter 11 - The Dufflepuds Made Happy
12 Chapter 12 - The Dark Island
13 Chapter 13 - The Three Sleepers
14 Chapter 13 - They Took Some Time...
15 Chapter 14 - The Beginning of the End of the World
16 Chapter 15 - The Wonders of the Last Sea
17 Chapter 16 - The Very End of the World
18 Chapter 17 - Publisher's Comments
4,《Prince Caspian》凯斯宾王子

01 Chapter 01 - The Silver Chair
02 Chapter 02 - Jill is Given a Task
03 Chapter 03 - The Sailing of the King
04 Chapter 04 - A Parliament of Owls
05 Chapter 05 - Puddleglum
06 Chapter 06 - The Wild Wastelands of the North
07 Chapter 07 - The Hill of the Strange Trenches
08 Chapter 08 - The House of Harfang
09 Chapter 09 - How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing
10 Chapter 10 - Travels Without the Sun
11 Chapter 11 - In the Dark Castle
12 Chapter 12 - The Queen of Underland
13 Chapter 13a - Underland Without the Queen
14 Chapter 13b - The prince unlocked the door...
15 Chapter 14 - The Bottom of the World
16 Chapter 15 - The Disappearance of Jill
17 Chapter 16 - The Healing of Harms
18 HarperAudio Closing
5,《The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 》黎明踏浪号

01 Chapter 01 - How Shasta Set Out on His Travels
02 Chapter 02 - A Wayside Adventure
03 Chapter 03 - At the Gates of Tashbaan
04 Chapter 04 - Shasta Falls In With the Narnians
05 Chapter 05 - Prince Corin
06 Chapter 06 - Among the Tombs
07 Chapter 07 - Aravis in Tashbaan
08 Chapter 08 - In the House of the Tisroc
09 Chapter 09 - Across the Desert
10 Chapter 10 - The Hermit of the Southern March
11 Chapter 11 - The Unwelcome Fellow Traveler
12 Chapter 12 - Shasta in Narnia
13 Chapter 13 - The Fight at Anvard
14 Chapter 14 - How Bree Became a Wiser Horse
15 Chapter 15 - Rabadash the Ridiculous
6,《The Silver Chair 》银椅

01 Chapter 01 - The Wrong Door
02 Chapter 02 - Digory and His Uncle
03 Chapter 03 - The Wood Between The Worlds
04 Chapter 04 - The Bell and the Hammer
05 Chapter 05 - The Deplorable Word
06 Chapter 06 - The Beginning Of Uncle Andrew's Troubles
07 Chapter 07 - What Happened At The Front Door
08 Chapter 08 - The Fight At The Lamp-Post
09 Chapter 09 - The Founding of Narnia
10 Chapter 10 - The First Joke and Other Matters
11 Chapter 11 - Diggory and His Uncle are Both in Trouble
12 Chapter 12 - Strawberry's Adventure
13 Chapter 13 - An Unexpected Meeting
14 Chapter 14 - The Planting Of The Tree
15 Chapter 15 - The End Of This Story And The Beginning Of All The Others
16 HarperAudio Closing
7,《The Last Battle》最后一战

01 Chapter 01 - By Cauldron Pool
02 Chapter 02 - The Rashness of the King
03 Chapter 03 - The Ape in ts Glory
04 Chapter 04 - What Happened that Night
05 Chapter 05 - How Help Came to the King
06 Chapter 06 - A Good Night's Work
07 Chapter 07 - Mainly About Dwarfs
08 Chapter 08 - What News the Eagle Brought
09 Chapter 09 - The Great Meeting on Stable Hill
10 Chapter 10 - Who Will Go into the Stable_
11 Chapter 11 - The Pace Quickens
12 Chapter 12 - Through The Stable Door
13 Chapter 13 - How The Dwarfs Refused To Be Taken In
14 Chapter 14 - Night Falls On Narnia
15 Chapter 15 - Further Up and Further In
16 Chapter 16 - Farewell to the Shadowlands








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