其中两册试看下载链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVr2tBT 密码: w8nq
1 Where_The_Wild_Things_Are
2 Good_night_Moon_
3 The_very_hungry_caterpillar
4 The Snowy day wws
5 don't let the pigeon drive the bus
6 让路给小鸭子(中文)
7 Harold and purple crayon
8 Madeline
10 Knuffle bunny
11 The story of Babar
12 good_night_gorilla
13 Blueberries for sal
14 三只小猪TheThreePigs
15 Lily's Purple Plastic Purse By_Kevin Henkes
16 Owl.Moon
17 caps for sale
18 In the Night Kitchen
19 花婆婆Miss_Rumphius
20 george and martha
21 Bark, George
24 叽喀叽喀碰碰Chicka_Chicka_Boom_Boom、
25 The Little House
26 corduroy
27 The Tale of Peter Rabbit
29 Sylvester_and_the_Magic_Pebble
30 棕熊,棕熊,你看到了什么?brown_bear_brown_bear_what_do_you_see_
31 NO David!
32 会打字的牛click_clack_moo_crows_that_type
33 cloudy_with_a_chance_of_meatballs
34 奥莉薇Olivia
35 Tikki.Tikki.Tembo
36 Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
38 Harry the dirty dog(好脏的哈利)
39 打瞌睡的房子The_Napping_House_plus
40 mike mulligan steam shovel
42 curious george
43 疯狂星期二Tuesday
44 strega nona
45 The Polar Express
46 Scaredy Squirre
47 if you give a cat a cupcake
47 If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
51 Jumanji
52 Miss_Nelson_is_Missing
53 The Snowman
54 三只小猪TheThreePigs
55 The Little Engine That Could
56 Frederick
57 蚯蚓的日记_中文手绘版
58 flotsam
59 Why Mosquitoes Buzz0
61 Lost and Found
62 The story of Babar
64 I Can’t, Said the Ant
65 Skippyjon_Jones
66 Officer Buckle and Gloria
67 Little Blue and Little Yellow
69 We're Going on a Bear Hunt
71 The Paper Bag Princess
74 Runaway bunny 逃家小兔
75 Horton hatches the egg
77 The Library
78 How the Grinch stole Christmas
83 The Lorax
87 Kitten’s First Full Moon
88 stellaluna
90 Not a Box
92 Swimmy_PDF
94 The Little House
94 The_Little_Mouse,_the_Red_Ripe_Strawberry,_and_the_Big_Hungry_Bear
95 the gardene小恩的秘密花园
96 The_very_quiet_cricket(高清)
97 Where Is the Green Sheep
99 Little Pea
100 走开,绿色的大怪兽go_away_big_green_monster
101 More More More
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