语言:英语 类别:教程
Lynda.com 出品的时长1小时31分钟的Adobe Photoshop相片曝光和色彩校正教程。Richard Harrington演示了如何使用Adobe Photoshop来加强照片色彩,对比度,清晰度。使用调整图层过滤器的工具,了解如何无损转换你的照片。当然也包括如何处理原始图像,并执行特殊情况 下的调整,如配色和着色。
Topics include:
Performing an image-correction triage
Cloning to an empty layer
Using adjustment layers
Opening a raw file as a smart object
Making selective adjustments
Recovering the detail in skies
Fixing exposure
Saving time with Auto Tone and Auto Contrast
Adjusting hue and saturation
Controlling adjustment layers with masks
Adjusting shadows and highlights
Converting an image to black and white
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